


Oil Company

The Challenge/ Problem

Following immense expenditure on key exhibitions – with £200,000 spent on the previous Exhibition the company had achieved a very poor ROI from a number of shows. They had to get it right for a major show (Offshore Europe) and had again invested heavily in the stand. They needed a good return on investment in terms of new interest/ suppliers/ graduate employee recruits etc.

The Action Taken

We ascertained from the client that staffing of the stands meant using people from many departments around the company many of whom were unfamiliar in customer facing/ supplier facing roles. The company asked us if we had an Exhibition Training programme to which we answered ‘no but we can write one specifically for you.

We prepared the training course and delivered in three modules across 50 members of staff.

People were initially cautious on the course but quickly got involved and understood – with our help – just what was required of them. We introduced them to specific techniques that are effective in visitor management at Exhibitions using our extensive experience of events like this.

The day before the Exhibition we conducted ‘on stand’ training to ensure that the ideas and techniques were understood and implemented by the team.

The Outcome

The staff response to the Training was superb and the implementation worked superbly with enthusiastic and well trained staff. The key communication (and selling skills) trained in were used well and the company had its ‘Best ever Offshore Europe’ in terms of results.

The Client’s Comments

‘I just wanted to pass on some really positive feedback that I got from our HSSE Director who was at the training on the 21st. He told me today he thought that the training was superb – he couldn’t say enough good things about it. It’s great knowing that of our most senior people thought it worthwhile – excellent result, thank you’.
L.B. Communications Manager